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A member registered Dec 20, 2021

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It's kinda farcical at this point. It probably won't happen.

Damn, you made me think chapter 10 had actually been released on Itch for a moment there.

For anyone considering buying this on Itch: Don't. The developer has abandoned the platform and only updates the game for those who subscribe to her Patreon.

What obstacles? She's just ignoring the platform.

Another option is to stop supporting scummy business practices like this.

Wow, this is starting to look like a scam. Chapter 10 has been out for about 5 months on her Patreon, and *still* no update here.

A month later and she still hasn't figured it out. Yeah, this is definitely not because she is totally uninterested in ever bringing the update to Itch, it must still be because of """"technical issues"""".

Oh c'mon. Does that take four months to figure out?

The update is never going to come, is it?
The creator is probably trying to squeeze extra money out of people by making them subscribe to the Patreon as well.

Is the new chapter just never coming to itch, or what?

So when is chapter 10 coming to itch?

This game is excellent and deserves way more attention.

I do wish it'd get updated soon, though.